- You must be logged in to view & submit the reservation form.
- In order to finalize your completed registration, payment must be received not later than 1 week prior to retreat start.
- Please note whether you partake of meals or not, the fee remains the same in order to cover facility and other expenses.
- If you do not see a form to book a reservation below, you have missed the registration deadline.
Iron Horse Ranch
20690 Private Road 4005
Somerville, TX 77879
Click here for directions
- Breakfast is @ 7:30 am, Morning Sessions begin at 8:40 am
- Lunch is generally at Noon each day
- Dinner is generally around 6:00 pm each evening
- Most rooms have 2 queen beds and a set of bunks. (Typical Capacity is 3-4)
- Alums may explore area Airbnb options on their own.
- As a general guideline, Grads room with Grads, Alums room with Alums
- $300/entire retreat – (2 overnight stays, 6 meals)
- $150/single night for overnight stay (includes 3 meals)
- $75/day, no lodging (includes snacks/meals)
- Cash in envelope with your name on it
- Check made out to SMI and sent or given to Anne Pouns, 4 Hedwig Circle, Houston TX 77024
- Zelle (click here for instructions)
Form submission is now closed.